The house in question was 555 Edinburg. It was listed at $459,000, which is equivalent to $367 per square foot. By way of comparison, the median price-per-square-foot multiple for the 16 comparable houses that I identified was $451. In other words, the house on Edinburg was priced at a large discount relative to the comps, so it should have received multiple offers.
The sale closed on April 22nd, at a price of $570,000. That's equivalent to $456 per square foot -- right in line with the comps. Take a look at the chart, below, which shows the distribution of price-per-square-foot multiples for the comps.

The good news, if there is any, is that the market clearly did its job. Despite what was no doubt a bidding frenzy, 555 Edinburg sold right where it should have.
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